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It's OSCAR time for student scholars!

FREDONIA, N.Y.—Feb. 18, 2009—OSCAR at SUNY Fredonia has a special meaning: it's the university's way of highlighting the academic and creative achievements of its undergraduates...

Sudoku skills subject of mathematical presentation

Professor of Mathematical Sciences Joseph Straight and senior Mathematics/Childhood Education major Constance Hadley will be giving an informative presentation on Sudoku Puzzles on Thursday, Feb...

NewSound presenting two concerts with pianists

Pianists Amy Williams and Hilary Demske will continue the 9th Annual NewSound Festival at SUNY Fredonia by performing in concerts on Tuesday, Feb. 24, and...

"Urinetown The Musical" tickets sold out

A satirical and ironic comedy with an underlying serious point, "Urinetown the Musical," will open Friday, Feb. 20 in Bartlett Theatre at Rockefeller Arts Center...

Children’s Concerts features African Drum Ensemble Feb. 28

The Musical Journeys Program of the Fredonia School of Music continues its third season of free concerts designed to appeal to very young children. Selected...

Percussion Guild to host Shawn Pelton, SNL drummer

Shawn Pelton of Saturday Night Live Monday, Feb. 23, Rosch Recital Hall Master Class: 4 p.m. Concert: 8 p.m. FREDONIA, N.Y. — Feb. 11, 2009...

EDP to hold 27th awards ceremony and induct honor students

SUNY Fredonia’s Educational Development Program (EDP) will celebrate its students at the 27th annual awards ceremony on Wed., March 11 at 4 p.m. in the...

Students to hold rally to protest tuition reallocation

A rally to protest the Governor's and Legislature's reallocation of the tuition increase assigned to SUNY students will take place Thursday, Feb. 19, at 3:30...

Personal Fitness Training certification offered

AFAA, the world's largest fitness education organization, will be offering Personal Fitness Trainer Certification April 3-5. The normal cost is $469 but any Fredonia State...

Pink the Rink collects nearly $5k to fight cancer

This year's Pink the Rink effort resulted in a raising more than $4,000 for the American Cancer Society. In all, more than $5,000 in donations...