The theme of next year’s convocation is PUBLIC SERVICE: CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES.
The SUNY Fredonia Convocation Committee invites the campus community to consider the role of public service in today’s world and what should be the priorities of those who enter this profession.
Academic departments, student groups, campus organizations, and individuals are encouraged to submit a proposal to sponsor an event any day, evening, or weekend when classes are in session during the Fall 2009 or Spring 2010 semesters.
Interdisciplinary proposals are particularly encouraged.
The goal is to fund more programs than in previous years. Therefore, preference will be given to proposals with minimal budget needs that take advantage of the abundant talent available on campus and from the surrounding area.
The entire proposal, from title to budget, must be no longer than 3 single sided pages; deadline for receipt of proposals is July 1, 2009. Award notifications will be sent out approximately two weeks later. A representative of each funded project will be required to attend a meeting for coordination purposes at the beginning of the Fall 2009 semester. Submit proposals electronically to the Chair of the Convocation Committee,
Proposals might focus on:
- What does it mean to be a public servant?
- How has the perception of public service evolved over the years?
- What are the ethical and moral issues that public servants must face?
- How has public service been considered from various perspectives (i.e. the humanities, the arts, social sciences, natural sciences, education, etc.)?
- What has been the impact of the media on perceptions of those in public service?
Activities might include:
- Panel Discussions
- Forums
- Presentations or Performances
- Displays
Proposals should include the following information:
- Title and description of event
- Explanation of how the event fits the theme
- When, where and under what circumstances the event will take place (we would like to spread the events out over the entire academic year) While final dates are not necessary, you should check on the availability of your proposed venue.
- Who the intended audience is-entire campus, particular department or group of departments, students in a particular year of study, faculty, etc.
- A description of how you plan to publicize the event; the Convocation Committee is only responsible for coordinating the keynote event and publicizing the series as a whole
- Who is sponsoring the event? This should include the name(s) of the primary contact(s) and the department or organization under whose auspices the event will take place.
- A budget, including all expenses and all sources of funds (if non-convocation funds are anticipated)
- Proposals will be evaluated according to the following criteria:
- Congruence with the convocation theme
- Ability to generate attendance and dialogue
- Quality of the event
- Reasonableness of the budget
- Thoroughness of the proposal
Questions regarding the proposal process or convocation matters may be addressed to Jack Croxton at 716-673-3123 or send an e-mail to:
Review examples of past requests for proposals:
- "Reflections of the Past", 2007-2008
- "Origins of the Future", 2006-2007
- "A Call to Civic Action", 2004-2005
Convocation Committee:
Members of the Convocation Committee are: Michael Barone, Mira Berkley, Linda Brigance, Tracy Collingwood, Jack Croxton, Marianne Eimer, Karolyn Stonefelt, Denise Szalkowski, Jefferson Westwood, and Angela Barney.