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Arts administration interns take on Rockwell exhibit

Xueyin Chen, a junior BFA Graphic Design major, and senior art history major Alyssa Morasco are student assistants for an exhibit of rare Norman Rockwell...

Philosopher sees baseball as teaching the game of life

“The Philosophy of Baseball: How to Play the Game of Life,” is a philosophical look at the National Pastime and the lessons it offers for...

Before tour, Chamber Singers give concert Sunday

The Fredonia Chamber Singers will prepare for their upcoming spring tour with a concert on Sunday, March 19 at 4 p.m. in the Juliet J...

Wind Ensemble performs April 13

Conductor Paula Holcomb and the Fredonia Wind Ensemble will offer selections from a recent concert tour of downstate New York and New Jersey on Thursday...

Accrediting body accepts School of Business bid

Fredonia’s School of Business passed the first step towards accreditation from the Association to Advance College Schools of Business (AACSB) International, the premiere accrediting body...

Non-credit course, "Wildflower Walks," starts April 8

“Wildflower Walks” meet six times starting Saturday, April 8. The non-credit course includes 16 hours of field experience in how to identify native wildflower plants.

Ara Saxophone Quartet performing March 22

The Ara Saxophone Quartet will offer a guest artist recital at the SUNY Fredonia on Wednesday, March 22 at 6 p.m. in the Juliet J...

Students plan skating party to aid high school music

To benefit the high school music programs in Fredonia and Dunkirk, Fredonia Radio Systems will be hosting a “Rock N’ Skate” party featuring music, ice...

Wills builds recording studios in Jamaica

Music faculty member Eric Wills (music) is helping unknown Jamaican musicians gain a new audience.

CEO enlists students to help Haitians

Lance Durban, '70 A SUNY Fredonia graduate who is president of a Miami-based company doing business in Haiti has sought the help of SUNY Fredonia...