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Pi a force to be reckoned with on March 14

Parties like that at SUNY Fredonia will be held by math students and faculty throughout the world, thanks to Pi’s unusual characteristics.

Entrepreneur Club heads to NYC

Members of the Entrepreneur Club raised $400 toward next week's New York City trip by simply having a little fun! They set up a bowling...

SUITE: A comedy of dorm life

Students in the DV Film Club, like those making SUITE, play and work with the entire experience of filmmaking on their own time and in...

'Project Shoebox' organizes help for Haitian families

Students taking an Active Roles in Service (S.T.A.R.S, formerly the Social Work Club), together with Intervarsity Christian Fellowship, Student Association, the Volunteer and Community Services...

Helping the Great Lakes

Biology professor has a $10,000 grant from the Great Lakes Protection Fund to study Eastern Lake Erie.

White Symposium looks at "Being Human"

The First Annual Mary Louise White Symposium sponsored by the English Department will attempt to focus on not only English, but instead bring together people...

Scientists focus of Women's History Month

“I think exposure to the feminist faculty in various scientific fields will help students recognize connections between women’s studies and scientific approaches and content,” Dr...

Science faculty exhibiting research at campus expo

The Faculty Research Exposition Tuesday, March 7, is a chance for Fredonia's faculty in the natural and social sciences to share the results and methods...

300 student teachers have taken to the field

Campus Report Monday Feb. 27, 2006; Vol. 36 No. 20 This semester, more than 300 Fredonia seniors are student-teaching in classrooms throughout the state. There...

In Focus: Adam Roma

Campus Report Monday Feb. 27, 2006, Vol. No. 20 "Most students and their families like taking a campus tour from a current student because they...