Paul Blanchet (communication disorders and sciences), Timothy Radoff (sociology) and Bruce KIonsky (psychology) the article, "Undergraduate and graduate students’ perceptions of an instructor who stutters," which was published in Contemporary Issues in Communication Science and Disorders, 36, 26–35. The first author of the article is Tanya Lake, a 2007 graduate of Fredonia's master's degree program in speech pathology.
Dr. Blanchet also co-authored three additional articles which were published in peer-reviewed journals, including "Effects of digital vibrotactile speech feedback on overt stuttering frequency," published in Perceptual and Motor Skills; "Speech rate deficits in individuals with Parkinson’s disease: A review of the literature," published in Journal of Medical Speech-Language Pathology; and "The effects of self-generated synchronous and asynchronous visual speech feedback on overt stuttering frequency," in the Journal of Communication Disorders.