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  • December 5, 2010
  • Michael Barone
VolunteersPacking up
Student and staff volunteers pack up the quantities of food, toys, and clothing donated to this year's Campus-wide Donation Drive. 

This year's Campus-wide Donation Drive drew a record 73 student volunteers, together with 5 faculty/staff volunteers, all of whom made a difference in a hundred's of lives in the Northern Chautauqua community.

This year the volunteers collected 65 boxes of toys (double from last year), 35 boxes of food, and 110 (60 gallon) bags of clothing, which were donated to the local agencies of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton CYO and Rural Ministries.

"We are  happy to report the eleventh year of the Campus Wide Donation Drive was again a huge success," said Julie Bezek, co-chair of the drive and a counselor within the Campus Counseling Center in LoGrasso Hall.
"We were just blown away by how much people donated and how many volunteers we had this year," added co-chair Stephanie Wares of the Office of Admissions. It’s so great to see students coming together and helping the community."
The annual donation drive is co-sponsored by the Counseling Center, the Office of Admissions, the departments of Residence Life, Custodial Services, and Volunteer Services, and the Division of Student Affairs.