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  • March 22, 2010
  • Christine Davis Mantai
Colin Chauce
Photo by Todd Proffitt

Stage Directions Magazine is featuring in an article about Google Wave the work of theatre tech student Colin Chauce and the lighting crew on Electra.

Google Wave is a "cloud computing" collaboration tool which is "email on steroids," Professor Todd Proffitt said.

"Colin and his crew used the program to create his lighting design," Proffitt said.

Electra was the theatre department's most recent Mainstage drama production.

The article is by Justin Lang, author of the popular lighting blog   It describes Google Wave, using Chauche's work as an example.

In photo: Colin Chauce, lighting and scenic designer for ELECTRA, is shown at SUNY Fredonia during focus.  Chris Swinn, one of the master electricians on the show, is on the ladder.


Read the article in Stage Directions Magazine>>