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Ivani Vassoler
Ivani Vassoler
  • March 15, 2014
  • Michael Barone

Ivani Vassoler (Political Science and International Studies) is the 2014 recipient of the James Street Prize in recognition of her article, "Baron of Rio Branco and the Construction of the Brazilian International Identity," published in Latin American Essays (Vol. XXVI, 2012). The award is given annually by the Mid-Atlantic Council of Latin American Studies (MACLAS), a U.S.-based organization of scholars who focus their teaching and research on Inter-American Relations.

The award was announced on March 8 at the Rutgers University during the annual MACLAS conference. Her article was recognized for its contributions to the study of foreign policy formation, to the understanding of U.S.-Latin American relations, and for its important insights on nationalism. The article assesses the trajectory of José Maria da Silva Paranhos Jr. (1845-1912), the Baron of Rio Branco, considered the father of the Brazilian diplomacy and the force behind the "unwritten alliance," the early 20th century bilateral and informal understanding in which the U.S. recognized Brazilian regional leadership in South America in return for Brazil's deference to U.S. policies elsewhere in the Americas and around the world.

During the prize ceremony, Professor Vassoler was accompanied by Fredonia students Kelsey Rausch, Vasil Popjanevski and Connor Hoffman, who presented papers at the conference.


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