The SUNY Fredonia Technology Incubator recently hosted a community gathering featuring Sam Hoyt, regional president of Empire State Development and former New York State assemblyman, who gave a presentation on Governor Andrew Cuomo’s 2013 State of the State address.
President Horvath and Mr. Hoyt. |
An introduction and welcome was given by SUNY Fredonia President Virginia S. Horvath.
Mr. Hoyt presented an overview of Governor Cuomo's address which outlined the governor's yearly agenda. It was an opportunity for local residents to interact with a key member of the governor's senior leadership team and discuss plans for regional economic development. The room was filled to capacity with community leaders and others interested in Governor Cuomo’s plans for the future.
After his presentation, Mr. Hoyt fielded questions from citizens concerned with the future of the local NRG plant in Dunkirk, of announced closings of Carriage House Co.’s Dunkirk factory and Petri Baking Products of Silver Creek, school district consolidation, the proposed increase in the minimum wage, campaign finance reform and student debt.