Four seniors at SUNY Fredonia have raised $600 to send to a foundation in Ecuador. The money-raising effort was named AMIGOS (A Mission In Giving Opportunities to Students) and was a project for Students In Free Enterprise (SIFE). The foundation, La Fundación Crecer, is an organization, whose central purpose is to provide poor Ecuadorian children with an education.
The money was raised through a bowling tournament held at Lucky Lanes in Fredonia on Nov. 8. Katherine Stickel, Danielle Mahonski, Taylor Griffith, and Patrick Horn are currently seniors at SUNY Fredonia and initiated AMIGOS as a SIFE project under the supervision of Visiting Assistant Professor Joseph Izzo.
Forty-one percent of the population in Ecuador lives on less than $2 per day and many children are forced to sell items on the streets as a way to help support their families. As a result of this duty, these children are unable to attend school and are never able to break the perpetual cycle of poverty. La Fundación Crecer is a foundation in Guayaquil, Ecuador, whose main objective is to provide roughly 115 children between 8 and 17 years old with an education in order to help them obtain skill-related jobs.
SIFE is an international network of student, academic, and business leaders who have made a commitment to create a better world. SIFE mobilizes university students around the world to use the knowledge gained in the classroom to address real world business and economic issues in their communities.
For more information on La Fundación Crecer or AMIGOS, call 607-351-0573. For more information on SIFE, call 716-673-4671.