A new round of stroke/head injury support group meetings that provide opportunities for individuals to improve communication skills, socialize and share experiences is set to begin at Fredonia’s Henry C. Youngerman Center for Communication Disorders.
Sessions will be generally held on the first and third Tuesday of each month, beginning on Sept. 18, at 3 p.m. in Thompson Hall Room E148. Subsequent meetings are scheduled on Oct. 2 and 16, Nov. 6 and 27 (due to the Thanksgiving break) and Dec. 4, which is the last session of the fall academic semester. Light refreshments will be served at the sessions.
There is no fee to attend the meetings, which are open to stroke/head injury survivors and their family members.
Those interested in attending a session are asked to contact Julie Williams, coordinator, at 716-673-4618 or 716-673-3203.