For students... 

- Learning Contract for Experiential Education - Fillable PDF
- Download the document before entering data, then Save As
- Student MID-TERM Self-Evaluation form
- Student FINAL Self-Evaluation form
Note: Signatures are required from the student intern, site supervisor, and faculty sponsor as designated. Email confirmation signatures will be accepted.
For Site Supervisors...
- Site Supervisor MID-TERM Evaluation form
- Site Supervisor FINAL Evaluation form
- Internship Position Description to PROMOTE a NEW OPPORTUNITY - Online | Word | PDF
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Need help finding an internship? Schedule an appointment to talk with one of our career counselors at your convenience.
SUNY Internship Funds
Are you completing an unpaid, credit-bearing internship? You may be eligible for the $1,000 SUNY Internship & Living Stipend Fund! Complete the internship learning contract and register for internship credit, prior to the internship start date.
Schedule an Appointment with the CDO.
📅 Questions? -->You may also find it helpful to review a SAMPLE list of previously completed internships. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to fund your internship and gain real-world experience!