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Four Types of Places to Search for Jobs on the Internet

Finding Jobs Online | CDO Online home page

Type of site Why you might use them What to watch out for Bottom line 



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National or international in scope
Please add a description of this image.Large corporations use them
Please add a description of this image.Vast number of jobs
Please add a description of this image.Searchable by job target and location
Please add a description of this image."Push" technology - you get alerts when a job in your field is posted
Please add a description of this image.Most services are free
Please add a description of this image.Can post one or more versions of your resume
Please add a description of this image.Hundreds of thousands of applicants attract big employers

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Actual employer often unknown because of third party recruiter use
Please add a description of this image.Not as helpful for seekers in smaller cities or rural areas
Please add a description of this image.Primarily focused on business and technical fields - little for education, arts, media and human service
Please add a description of this image.Making resume available online can result in spam, undesirable interview/job offers, and/or scams
Please add a description of this image.Hundreds of thousands of applicants can make you invisible

They're a nice starting point, and great if you're relocating. But there are better, more occupation and location specific options.


Find newspapers listed by state at

Please add a description of this image.Can search in any city you want
Please add a description of this image.Can also find apartments, local news, and other information
Please add a description of this image.Easier to find classified ads online than reading the physical paper

Please add a description of this image.This amounts to "using the newspaper", which means
Please add a description of this represents a tiny percentage of all available positions, and
Please add a description of this image.job descriptions are usually very brief and not very informative
They should be utilized but should not be the focus of your online job search. When relocating, take the opportunity to read other sections of the paper to learn about the area!


For a list of "niche" sites, visit CDO Online's Looking for a Job section.

Please add a description of this image.These sites specialize in positions in a single field
Please add a description of this image.The career/job search information provided is specifically for that field as well
Please add a description of this image.May involve joining a professional association, which will increase networking opportunities
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Many positions require experience
Please add a description of this image.Jobs won't necessarily be in your target location
Please add a description of this image.Might be expensive to join (though it's often worth it, and cheaper while you're a student!)

This should be a major part of your online job search.


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Easy to do research on the organization, since you're already on their site
Please add a description of this image.This is probably how they WANT you to apply
Please add a description of this image.Resume and cover letter submission and application process takes mere minutes
Please add a description of this image.This is your best bet

Please add a description of this image.

Not all employers have web sites, and not all that have sites post positions there
Please add a description of this image.Where does the application go after you click "send"?
Please add a description of this image.Faceless and impersonal (not your fault, though)
Please add a description of this image.Lots of applicants
Please add a description of this image.Time consuming

This should be the FOCUS of your online job search.

Career Development Office

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