How to Contact Us
Call Us: 716-673-3424
Stop in and see us at LoGrasso Hall from 8AM-4:30PM
Because email is not a secure medium, confidentiality of email cannot be guaranteed. Since there are limitations to ensuring client confidentiality through electronic communications, please consider the information below before sending an email to the Counseling Center and it's staff.
Feel free to e-mail us:
- to provide feedback
- to ask for or provide general (not personal or urgent) information
- to request that someone contact you by telephone (provide a phone number where we can reach you)
Do NOT e-mail us
- for urgent communication: the Counseling Center mailbox is usually (but not always) checked once on business days (and never after hours or on weekends)
- for confidential communication: e-mail is not a secure medium
- to schedule or cancel an appointment
- for urgent or confidential communication, please call us
If you have any concern regarding confidentiality, please contact the Counseling Center by phone at 716-673-3424.
I acknowledge confidentiality of e-mail cannot be guaranteed and wish to continue with my e-mail correspondence.