Grounds and Landscaping Services is responsible for maintaining 253 acres of land; 21 acres of parking lots with 3,177 parking spaces; 3.5 miles of roadways; and 7.5 miles of sidewalks. This unit completes all maintenance of the lawns, trees, bushes and flowers. During the winter months, the maintenance includes snow removal and ice control 24-hours a day. The crew cleans up debris and litter keeping the campus looking great. They perform special operations for in-house, electrical, plumbing and concrete work, sets up for events such as Homecoming Weekend and many outdoor events and continually look for ways to enhance the campus appearance. In addition, the staff maintain all traffic and regulatory signs along the campus roadways and parking lots. The grounds staff maintains several athletic fields including University Stadium soccer and lacrosse fields, practice fields, baseball field, softball field, outdoor running track, rugby field, and the cross-country running courses. The maintenance includes layout, lining, irrigation and fertilization of the fields. Additionally the staff is NYSDEC certified for the application of pesticides.
Many recent campus improvements have been designed using native plantings and trees. These projects include new tree plantings and the installations of new planting beds around the campus.
Helpful links
Cornell University School of Horticulture
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC)
New York State Turfgrass Association