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image of Frerichs' artwork on display

Frerichs’ panel discussion of ‘Waterways Lake Chautauqua’ exhibition set for Nov. 21

A panel discussion, part of the exhibition “Waterways Lake Chautauqua,” will be held Thursday, Nov. 21, at Jamestown Community College.

cover of book by faculty member

Faculty member, alumna, collaborate on children’s book

Department of English Adjunct Lecturer Rebecca Cuthbert teamed with 2018 graduate Dakota Marquardt to publish their inaugural children’s book.

Dr. Christian Bernhard

Bernhard speaks at Queens College, music educators association workshop

School of Music Professor Christian Bernhard recently served as an invited speaker at Queens College and Seton Hill University.

One of several pieces of pottery by SUNY Fredonia Distinguished Professor Ted Lee to be featured in the pottery sale.

Pottery sale set to benefit Honduras Study Abroad students

The annual pottery sale to support students in SUNY Fredonia’s Honduras Study Abroad program will be held Wednesday, Nov. 13.

Dr. Michael Clarkson-Hendrix

Clarkson-Hendrix article examines social worker burnout

Associate Professor Michael Clarkson-Hendrix has authored an article that explores social worker burnout in a Veterans Affairs medical center.

headshot of Dr. Bruce Simon

Simon delivers paper at Quarry Farm Symposium

Dr. Bruce Simon recently participated on the panel, “The Gilded Age on the Page,” at the Quarry Farm Symposium.

Nick Smith with trophy

Faculty member wins at film festival

Department of Communication Adjunct Lecturer Nick Smith won the Best Director award at the International New York Film Festival.

Dr. Markus Vink

Asian studies journal publishes book review by Vink

Department of History Professor Markus Vink wrote a book review published in the International Journal of Asian Studies.

Dr. Jill Reese

Reese presents at conference in Germany

School of Music Professor Jill Reese shared a number of presentations at a conference held recently in Hamburg, Germany.

Dr. Lisa Walters

Walters featured in ASQ's flagship Quality Progress Journal

Associate Professor Lisa Walters has been recognized for quality achievements by the ASQ (American Society for Quality) organization.