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Gathering near their seats at Rocket Arena are (from left): Jaivon Eggleston, Dr. Sungick Min, Sarah Conner and Sonja Green.

NBA ‘real-world learning’ experience supplements the classroom

They’re not Sport Management majors so far, but that doesn’t prevent non-majors from experiencing an NBA game through elective courses.

Students in MUSB 425: Music Marketing and Promotion check out the stage at the Cave, a Buffalo, NY, music venue.

Music Industry students organize show at Buffalo music venue

“We learned how to work with professional bands and artists, how to work with a real venue.”

Melissa Eickhoff

Motorsport racing CEO gives career talk to Sport Management classes

The CEO of Pikes Peak International Hill Climb offered valuable career insight recently to students in Sport Management courses.

Abigail Morrissette

Music Industry alumna returns to campus

Alumna and Royalties Analyst with WMG (Warner Music Group) Abigail Morrissette will share her wisdom on Wednesday, Oct. 16.

Award-winning song composers Armand Petri (left) and Ed Croft.

Faculty win Amazing Fantasy Fest music award

Two faculty in Applied Professional Studies won an award at the inaugural Amazing Fantasy Fest for a song they co-wrote.

students meeting at a table with laptop on table

School of Business to honor students at awards ceremony

The School of Business will be hosting its annual Scholarship Award Ceremony on Thursday, May 9, at 5 p.m. in the Williams Center Multipurpose Room.

Tim Donahue

Williams Visiting Professor, student band, to give concert

“An evening of intense rock, funk, heavy metal and Irish pieces.” That’s how Williams Visiting Professor Tim Donahue describes the concert that he and NONE...

Gathering at their club-level seating are (from left): Jaivon Eggleston, Dr. Sungick Min, Josephine Swift, Robert Casiano III, and Brent Knaisch.

Students savor, learn from VIP experience NBA style

For students aspiring to work in professional sports industry, there may be no better place to appreciate all that a career in that field may...