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Students in MUSB 425: Music Marketing and Promotion check out the stage at the Cave, a Buffalo, NY, music venue.

Music Industry students organize show at Buffalo music venue

“We learned how to work with professional bands and artists, how to work with a real venue.”

Chatterbox band members playing

Find out who’s the best new band on campus

Who’ll win the Battle of the New Bands competition? Find out Friday, Dec. 6, at the Williams Center Multipurpose Room.

Abigail Morrissette

Music Industry alumna returns to campus

Alumna and Royalties Analyst with WMG (Warner Music Group) Abigail Morrissette will share her wisdom on Wednesday, Oct. 16.

Award-winning song composers Armand Petri (left) and Ed Croft.

Faculty win Amazing Fantasy Fest music award

Two faculty in Applied Professional Studies won an award at the inaugural Amazing Fantasy Fest for a song they co-wrote.

students meeting at a table with laptop on table

School of Business to honor students at awards ceremony

The School of Business will be hosting its annual Scholarship Award Ceremony on Thursday, May 9, at 5 p.m. in the Williams Center Multipurpose Room.

Tim Donahue

Williams Visiting Professor, student band, to give concert

“An evening of intense rock, funk, heavy metal and Irish pieces.” That’s how Williams Visiting Professor Tim Donahue describes the concert that he and NONE...

Anthony Casuccio (left) and Jeff James

Accomplished music industry professionals to speak at Writers@Work residency

SUNY Fredonia alumni who have achieved impressive career success in the music recording industry – collaborating with numerous legendary artists – will share their work...

profile of Tim Donahue

Williams Visiting Professorship to bring pioneer of fret/fretless electric harp guitars to campus

Tim Donahue, whose passion to recreate music that flourished in his imagination spurred his invention of fretless and fretted electric harp guitars, will bring his...

Mary Ramsey (left) and Leigh Nash

Ramsey, Nash to appear in ‘Women in Music Industry’ symposium

SUNY Fredonia alumna Mary Ramsey, lead vocalist of 10,000 Maniacs, and Leigh Nash, of Sixpence None the Richer will speak at the Women in Music...