“A Global Perspective” is the theme for the fall Arts and Sciences Brown Bag Series, a series of informal lunchtime presentations by SUNY Fredonia faculty members. The series begins on Wednesday, Oct. 3, 2012, with “What the World Thinks of American Politics: The 2012 Race for the White House.” Presenters include: Bond Benton, Ph.D., communication; Guangyu Tan, Ph.D., curriculum and instruction; Shazad Mohammed, Ph.D., marketing; and, Alex Caviedes, Ph.D., political science, who will moderate the panel.
Subsequent presentations will include “A Fulbright Fair” on Nov. 7 and “Holidays from Around the World” on Dec. 5. All presentations take place between noon and 1:30 p.m. in the Williams Center, room S204.
Each presentation is followed by a discussion and refreshments. Students are invited to remain for Brown Bag Desserts, an informal conversation over dessert with the featured speakers. The talks are free and open to all campus and community members. Classes are welcome.
This year’s series is directed by Teodora Cox, mathematical sciences; Jack Croxton, psychology; Natalie Gerber, English; Laura Johnson, communication; and, Theodore Lee, biology.
For more information, visit the series’ website at www.fredonia.edu/brownbag.
The Arts and Sciences Brown Bag Lecture Series is sponsored by the Fredonia College Foundation’s Carnahan-Jackson Humanities Fund; John Kijinski, dean of the College of Arts and Sciences; and, the Faculty Student Association.