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Commencement to be televised locally Saturday

Local television coverage of Commencement 2012 at the State University of New York at Fredonia will begin at 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. on Saturday...

SUNY Fredonia alumnus and attorney is 2012 Commencement keynote speaker

SUNY Fredonia’s Commencement keynote speaker will be alumnus and attorney Dale A. Cooter of Washington, D.C. Ceremonies are slated for Saturday, May 12, at 10...

Competition results

Women's lacrosse team earns first-ever bid to the NCAA Division III Tournament> Spencer LeFort wins decathlon title>> Bronco Rollins claims pole vault title>> Women's track...

SUNY Fredonia grad Helen Williams co-writes Vanessa Williams biography

Helen Williams, a SUNY Fredonia graduate and mother of actress Vanessa Williams, shares the spotlight in an enduring photograph on the front cover of a...

Concert version of "Guys and Dolls" celebrates Commencement

“Guys and Dolls in Concert,” the university’s 21st annual Commencement Eve Pops Concert, will be presented on Friday, May 11 at 8 p.m. in King...

Electronics recycling drive tally tops 70,000 pounds

More than 70,000 pounds of electronics equipment – enough to fill 69 skids -- was collected at SUNY Fredonia’s annual community household recycling drive April...

Birger Vanwesenbeeck's article on mourning in fiction published in journal

Dr. Birger Vanwesenbeeck Birger Vanwesenbeeck, assistant professor of English, has published the article, "Loss in the Mail: Pynchon, Psychoanalysis, and the Postal Work of Mourning,"...

Athletics celebrates top seniors and gives awards at annual gala

The annual student athletics awards gala was held over the weekend, honoring this year's top seniors and other outstanding athletes.

Children's Chorale presenting concert in Rosch on May 18

The Chautauqua Children's Chorale will perform its "Voices of Spring" concert on Friday, May 18 at 7 p.m. in Rosch Recital Hall.

Marissa Carmello earns top honors at NYS speech and hearing conference

In addition to the top award for her research poster, Marissa Carmello also received a $1,500 scholarship. Dr. Bridget Russell is her undergraduate research mentor...