Cleanup efforts remove debris from Point Gratiot
Over 100 volunteers helped remove 83.2 pounds of debris from Point Gratiot beach in Dunkirk on Saturday, Sept. 22. Attendees of the cleanup cleaned over...
Over 100 volunteers helped remove 83.2 pounds of debris from Point Gratiot beach in Dunkirk on Saturday, Sept. 22. Attendees of the cleanup cleaned over...
Fredonia’s InterVarsity Christian Fellowship aims to see students and faculty transformed, the campus renewed and world changers developed. The group believes that those who work...
Fredonia is one of three schools in New York State that will begin offering “Serving: Standing Down,” an innovative reading/discussion program designed specifically for veterans...
Elliott DeLine, a transgender author from Syracuse, will present a reading of his new book, “Show Trans, a Nonfiction Novel by Elliott DeLine,” at An...
“TransDiscovery: Exploring Gender Variant Lives” is the theme of the next Fredonia Convocation event that will be explored with the screening of the documentary “Trans...
The Women’s and Gender Studies (WGST) program will host a discussion devoted to sexual violence at its Fall Gathering on Wednesday, Oct. 15, from 3...
Associate Professor Dustin Parsons of the Department of English had his essay, “Pumpjack,” selected as a “Notable” work for the 2014 Best American Essays by...
A service ace by sophomore Sara Madison (Rochester, N.Y.) was the final point in Fredonia's 3-2 home women's volleyball win Thursday over Nazareth College. Fredonia...
Five Fredonia employees, whose collective university service spans more than 85 years and all five major departments within the Finance & Administration division, have received...
Dr. Christian Bernhard, recipient of the 2014 William T. and Charlotte N. Hagan Young Scholar/Artist Award at Fredonia, will present the Hagan lecture, “Stress and...