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The housing license you sign electronically when filling out the housing application is for the full academic year.  Contracts that begin in August are in effect until the following May.  Housing contracts that begin in January will also conclude in May of the spring semester.   

All students, regardless of credit hours, within their first two years post high-school are required to live on campus.  The Director of Residence Life must approve all requests for exemption of the policy.

2025-2026 Academic Year  

Between academic years, students may apply for exemption from college policy by completing and returning the Exemption from College Policy (PDF) form to the Office of Residence Life.  

Between the fall and spring semesters, students may apply to terminate their housing license by completing and returning the Request to Terminate form (PDF) to the Office of Residence Life.  *If approved for release from your contract mid-year, you will be assessed a $350 termination fee.


  1. Please fill out the appropriate form (listed above) and return to the Office of Residence Life.  All forms can be printed online or picked up in the Office of Residence Life.
  2. Each request must be accompanied by the relevant supporting documentation (see below for details.)  Incomplete applications will be returned without action.
  3. Each application will be reviewed by the Director of Residence Life, and your application will be returned to your Fredonia mailbox.  Applications can take up to 14 business days to be reviewed. 
  4. NOTE:  Unless you receive approval of this request, your student status requires compliance with the housing policy.  Alternative arrangements for housing, including a lease commitment, will not be considered sufficient reason for approval of this request.

JustificationAdditional Documentation Required

For medical releases, residents are directed to the Office of Disability Support for Students.  

Commuting from home*

A notarized Letter of Residency (PDF) from Parent or Legal Guardian is necessary in addition to the form.  Permanent registered address must be within 50 miles for consideration.


no documentation required

Leave of Absence/Withdrawal

Please contact Academic Advising for this process.

Study Abroad/
Student Teaching

Students should provide an acceptance letter from the Study Abroad Office or the Office of Field Experiences with the completed form.


Requests based on personal reasons, such as general unhappiness/roommate conflicts, are typically not approved.  Personal feelings are subjective and make it difficult to be consistent or fair in reviewing these requests.  

A written narrative will need to be provided explaining your request for exemption.


Marriage license or other appropriate documentation.


Financial requests are typically only approved for severe, verifiable, financial change in status.  You will need to include supporting documentation that demonstrates an extraordinary change in financial condition beyond student's resource base, which cannot be remedied through existing financial aid programs.  Students who qualify for loans and other types of aid, but choose not to accept, will not be granted a financial release. Note:  The ability to save money by living off-campus is not a valid justification for exemption.

The following items MUST accompany the students application prior to review of the exemption form:

A copy of the student's Financial Aid Award Screen
A written narrative explaining the financial need
Any other supporting documentation that the student feels would help support their case. Documentation could include a copy of the students FAFSA.

Residence Life Appeals

A student may appeal a Residence Life decision, which will be reviewed by the Vice President of Student Affairs or their designee. Examples of Residence Life decisions include, but are not limited to, denial of a request to be exempt from the college housing policy, denial of a request to terminate a housing contract, or administrative termination of the housing contract.

If your original request is denied, you have an option to appeal the decision. All appeals must be in writing to the Vice President of Student Affairs ( and submitted within 7 business days of the decision letter. If you plan on appealing your decision, new documentation must be submitted with the appeal letter. This will be compiled with your initial paperwork.

The VPSA or their designee will review the statement and make a decision in consultation with relevant colleagues. Appeal decisions will be provided within 7 business days of receipt and are considered final.

NOTE: Termination of or exemption from a housing contract will result in the loss of any campus scholarship that requires you to reside on campus (including but not limited to the President's Award, Fredonia Scholar, Dean's Scholar, Promise Award, etc.). Please refer to your scholarship award letter for residency requirements.

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