Thanks so much for your interest in the Resident Assistant (R.A.) position at SUNY Fredonia! Residence Life is proud to employ 47 talented students as R.A.s. R.A.s are student leaders who develop communities of care and compassion in the residence halls. They also contribute to a sense of safety by upholding college policies and being available to help students in emergency situations.
If you think that these statements describe you, we encourage you to apply now for positions that start in August 2025! This web page includes the online forms that you will need, pictures of our current team, a timeline of our search process, our compensation package for R.A.s, eligibility requirements, and a summary of job duties and responsibilities.
I. Application and Reference Forms
R.A. Application (available 12/13, due 2/21)
Reference Form (available 12/13, due 2/21)
Required References:
- Your current Residence Director (R.D.);
- A current Resident Assistant (R.A.) from any residence hall; and
- An external source (e.g., a current or former employer, professor, teacher, internship supervisor, etc.).
Since candidates are responsible for securing their own references, we suggest that you share the Google form (click on the blue Reference Form button) with your references directly.
The deadline for both the application and the reference form submissions is Friday, February 21.
II. R.A. Staff Pictures

III. Timeline and Important Dates
- Friday, 12/13/2024: Applications and reference forms available;
- Monday, 2/3/2025: R.A. information session (optional) | 7:00 - 8:00pm, Science Center 122;
- Tuesday, 2/11/2025: R.A. information session (optional) | 7:00 - 8:00pm, Science Center 122;
- Friday, 2/21/2025: Application and reference form deadline;
- Saturday, 3/1/2025: R.A. candidate presentations *;
- Sunday, 3/2/2025: R.A. Group Process Day **;
- Friday, 3/14/2025: R.A. candidates notified about the status of their application (e.g., hired, alternate, or not hired); and
- Wednesday, 8/13/2025 - Wednesday, 8/20/2025: Fall 2025 R.A. Training.
*: For this R.A. hiring process, candidates will offer short presentations instead of participating in a traditional interview. The exact prompts for the presentation will be shared with all eligible candidates no later than Monday, 2/24/2025. In a general sense, topics for the presentation will include: (i) an introduction/who you are; (ii) your ideas for developing community; (iii) your residence hall programming/engagement ideas; and (iv) how you would create an environment that is supportive and respectful for students of all races, ethnicities, nationalities, abilities, sexual orientations, gender identities, religious beliefs, and political ideologies.
Presentation rooms will be equipped with technology (i.e., computer, projector, sound, etc.). The audience for the presentations will be 4 - 12 current R.A.s and R.D.s.
**: R.A. Group Process Day is a series of fun activities designed to assess how you function in group settings. Since the R.A. job is largely interpersonal, it is important for us to know how you work with others. You will participate in these activities in a small group of 5 - 7 fellow R.A. candidates. We are most interested in your communication, problem-solving, and teamwork. The activities will be low-risk (i.e., no physical touching), but you will be moving around, so wear clothing that is comfortable.
IV. Compensation
- $4900.00/semester single room waiver;
- $200.00/semester meal plan allocation; and
- $700.00/semester cash stipend, paid in 4 increments.
V. Eligibility Requirements
- 2.25 cumulative Grade Point Average at time of application;
- 1 full semester living in Fredonia residence halls prior to the application due date; and
- Full-time student status (i.e., enrolled in at least 12 credit hours).
- Not student teaching; and
- Good student conduct standing (conduct standing for all candidates is reviewed shortly after the application deadline).
VI. Duties and Responsibilities (not an exhaustive list)
- Attendance at all R.A. Training sessions in August and January, including workshops about fire safety, administering Narcan, Title VI, and Title IX and Sexual Violence. In Fall 2025, R.A. Training is scheduled for Wednesday, August 13 - Wednesday, August 20;
- Create community amongst students on your floor and in your residence hall;
- Evening on-call shifts;
- 4 desk hours/week;
- Stay late for residence hall closings (e.g., Thanksgiving Break, Winter Break, Spring Break, and Summer Vacation);
- Refer students to campus resources, such as the Counseling Center, Academic Advising, the Tutoring Center, and Financial Aid.
- Plan and facilitate 4 programs/semester;
- Initiate periodic 1:1 dialogues with all students living in your house; and
- Participate in Residence Life departmental projects, such as First-Year Residential Experience programming and the R.A. Selection process.
This example page from a weekly calendar could help you visualize what your schedule might resemble as an R.A.
If you are interested, you can read about R.A. duties and expectations in full.